Alex Morhaim

Direct Phone: (305) 695-9898

Office Phone: (305) 695-9898

Mobile Phone: (631) 804-3017


Office Address

500 South Pointe Drive, Suite 140

Miami Beach, FL

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  • There was an error connecting to the database.<br /><br />An email has been sent to the website administrator. We apologize for the inconvinience.
  • There was an error connecting to the database.<br /><br />An email has been sent to the website administrator. We apologize for the inconvinience.
  • There was an error connecting to the database.<br /><br />An email has been sent to the website administrator. We apologize for the inconvinience.
  • There was an error connecting to the database.<br /><br />An email has been sent to the website administrator. We apologize for the inconvinience.
  • There was an error connecting to the database.<br /><br />An email has been sent to the website administrator. We apologize for the inconvinience.
  • There was an error connecting to the database.<br /><br />An email has been sent to the website administrator. We apologize for the inconvinience.
  • There was an error connecting to the database.<br /><br />An email has been sent to the website administrator. We apologize for the inconvinience.
Miami Beach | South Pointe Drive Map